Adding the E8 Asset Tracker to an IoT Central Dashboard

This article describes how to add your E8 Asset Tracker to an IoT Central Dashboard.


1. Verify the E8 is online

First we will confirm your E8 is online and sending data. Make sure it is near the Cascade-500W (within 50 feet). From your IoT Central application, select Devices from the left menu, and select "Minew E8". This will bring up a list of devices.

Match the Device ID printed on your E8 to the device on the list and click on it to bring up a detailed view:

You should see some data beginning to populate the chart, and you can also rename the device here. Once you verify the E8 is online, you are ready to add the device to your dashboard. If the chart is blank or says "waiting for data," try troubleshooting common problems here.

2. Add E8 data to your IoT Central application dashboard

Start by selecting Dashboard on the left menu. When you provisioned your IoT Central Application, a sample dashboard was created with placeholders for your sensor data. It may look something like this:

The tile placement and contents are very customizable.  For more information about adding and customizing IoT Central dashboard tiles, see this article.

In this example, we want to add the E8 sensor to see live acceleration data. To do this, click "edit" at the top of the dashboard window. This will make the dashboard editable, allowing you to move/remove/add tiles:

Now, you can remove unwanted tiles and add the E8:

  • In the left menu, under Device template select "Minew E8"
  • Under Device instance, select the particular sensor you saw in step 1.
  • Under Telemetry, check the "Accelerometer" box.
  • Click "Add Tile" at the bottom of the menu and it will add the tile to the dashboard.
  • Finally, click "Save" at the top of the dashboard. You should now see the chart in the body of the dashboard.


Next up: Creating Alerts for the E8 Asset Tracker.